It's me...Hidayah

Linux Router.... 29/02/08 - 05/03/08

What you need to have?
1) at least 2 nework card
2) 2 cross cable
3) install fedora 8 (for configuration)

What you need to do?
1) set_IP_Forwarding
2) set IP
3) Routing (buat routing + gateway)

Linux sebagai Router:
1) IP-Forwarding - untuk komunikasi antara 2 PC
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
* setiap kali restart, status echo akan jadi 0.
- check status up @ x:
2) Set IP
3) Set Gateway

Kalau xboleh ping PC -> PC, mungkin disebabkan :

  1. Firewall - x off
  2. Antivirus - x off
  3. IP Forwarding - x up ( setiap kali restart)
  4. Firewall Linux - uncheck ip tables
Command Linux Router:
> /etc/init.d/network restart
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> /sbin/ifconfig eth0 (gateway) netmask broadcast (IP PC.255)
> /sbin/route add -net (IP PC.0) netmask gw (gateway) dev eth0
( ulang command ni untuk eth1)

1) up network card
> service network restart [ok] (Cent OS)
> /etc/init.d/network restart
eth0 [ok]

eth1 [ok]

2) tengok routing table
> /sbin/ip route show

3) tengok ada routing @ x
> /sbin/route -v

4) delete routing dalam routing table
> /sbin/route del -net ___________/ gw

5) up network card one by one
> /sbin/ifup eth0
> /sbin/ifup eth1

Kelebihan Linux
  • Kebanyakan perisian linux adalah percuma.
  • x banyak virus developed for linux ( imune from virus)
  • security - open source code (cepat boleh repair)
  • Boleh bertindak sebagai server @ client.
  • Linux juga boleh jadi web server, procy server, router, ftp, ssh, firewall dll..
- lebih kepada remote komputer (boleh control dari jauh)